Privacy Policy

Your privacy is important to us. While we encourage the interactive nature of online media, it is our policy to create website content that requires minimum collection of information from our visitors. To that end, we limit our collection of information on this website to two types:

  1. Cookies
    Cookies are information files that your web browser places on your computer when you visit a website. is able to access only the cookies that it sets on your computer and we are only able to determine the type of computer operating system and browser that you and other visitors are using. This information is stored as server log data in aggregate form. Basically, this information shows the number of visits to different pages on our site. We use this information only for improving our site. We do not link the log data collected to any personal information that users may submit online.
  2. You can, of course, disable cookies on your computer by indicating this in the preferences or options menus in your browser.

  3. Contact Information. Minimal personal information is collected when a user submits a contact form. We only collect what is necessary to respond to a users inquiry. This information is not stored on any servers as it is simply transmitted in the form of an email to the artist., the artists or the website owner (jAess Media, LLC) never sells, markets, trades or otherwise shares personally identifiable information with any third party.

If you have any questions, comments or concerns regarding this privacy policy and/or practices, please write to us at:

Privacy Coordinator
jAess Media, LLC
5265 Plantation Ave
Vicksburg, Michigan 49097

Last Upate: 5/1/2023 is intended for domestic viewers and is consequently directed towards residents of the United States and Canada.

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